Wake-Up Christians!

1 Timothy 2:1-3 "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour." We are to pray for those in authority, not leave it to the preacher on Sunday morning.

Christians still need to have a say in what our government does. We must continue to vote and be aware of legislation. I know it is overwhelming and mostly frustrating because we sometimes don't get the vote we want. I know....I live in California and I'm always frustrated with legislation. California is always trying to be the FIRST to pass a legislation that usually is not morally correct. BUT with the help of two great organizations who spend hours upon hours keeping up and sending us into action, we can do our part.

Scroll down below and you can see the two organizations I speak of. www.frc.org and www.savecalifornia.com . If you are not local, you will need to find a local organization who helps you locate legislation for your state!

Engaging Gay Activist on College Campus'

The name of Jesus made me recoil in anger. Oh, I was OK with a certain range of “live and let live,” but I was also in a war against stupid. “Live and let live” meant to keep your religious practice in the closet. While Freud considered the Christian faith pathological, I considered it applied cultural phobia, and it was not welcome in my classes.

It was 1998. I was a newly tenured professor in the English department of a large university. My field was queer theory.

From a Christian perspective, I was the vampire and you were the fresh blood. Let me be clear. I had a lesbian partner and I wasn’t cheating on her. I didn’t want to hop into bed with you. I wanted you to hop the worldview fence and see the enlightened path that feminist theory and LGBT advocacy alone could offer you. I wasn’t thumping tolerance. Nothing short of a cosmological paradigm shift was my focus.

I taught a large “Introduction to Women’s Studies” class for our university’s core humanities requirement. This class served as a bridge between the university and the community through service learning, and between radical ideas and domestic life through the texts and assignments that I gave. No longer was gay and lesbian culture some marginalized, sexually perverse subculture. We were the face of a new social decency, and we knew this. We were the new thumbprint of civil rights.

My PhD was in English literature and critical theory. I was trained to read books and make sense of them. The Bible was on my radar as a book that needed a good public spanking. That the Bible claimed unearned ontological “true truth” was laughable to me back then. Christians had one book that maintained this status on its own terms. I had a hundred that tore that argument apart.

Oh, I wasn’t hard hearted—not too much. I saw young Christian students try nobly to hang on to their sentimental ideas. But their emotional beliefs were no match for me. My heart went out to students for whom “knowing Jesus” meant not knowing anything else; I wanted to help liberate them into a more enlightened path. On my “Intro to Women’s Studies” syllabus, I reminded students that all papers must be written from a feminist life- and worldview. That was the law, because worldview and hermeneutics mattered to me. I wasn’t just interested in your ability to draw feminist conclusions about literature and life. I wanted you to have an integrated knowledge.

The integrated feminist hermeneutics that I taught drew a stark contrast to what the Christians on campus were doing. They told me what the Bible said but could not defend why it was true. They used the Bible to answer a question and to stop a conversation, not deepen it. After trying that tactic in my class, even the most devout young Christian saw the hermeneutic futility. Or perhaps they just got tired of arguing with me.

In my estimation, Christians were not only bad thinkers and faulty handlers of texts and ideas, but they were emotionally and spiritually violent—after all, how dare they declare me and everyone I loved lost in “sin”?

There is a lot more info:  Please click on... 


Also check out her website:  http://rosariabutterfield.com/

By Rosaria Butterfield
March 13, 2013 on Intercollegiate Review Article

Israel Is God's Time-Table - Part 1 by Zola Levitt

The media bias against Israel is ubiquitous throughout the world. There seems to be a bias toward the Arabs, probably because commercials are purchased on a large scale by petroleum-using manufacturers. Ads for plastics, cosmetics, and similar products represent profitable business for the media, and they respond like any business, catering to their best customers. We’ve said all this before, but it certainly isn’t getting any better. This time, CNN looked almost ridiculous, desperately trying to broadcast a war when there was truly little happening in the way of real hostility. The only true action worth reporting was the Israeli response to the murdering of prisoners in Ramallah. They demonstrated their skills to the Palestinians with razor-sharp surgical strikes on the police station where the prisoners were killed, a radio station, and, in effect, Arafat’s front yard. Even the Palestinians could appreciate that they had a formidable enemy—patient but deadly.

Read the full story at http://www.levitt.com/newsletters/2011-07.pdf Page 7

By Levitt Letter Newsletter July 2011

God Calls Homosexuality Sin

There are people who live what is now called an "alternative" lifestyle. I am able to sympathize with the feelings they voice about their situation while making my stand on the subject crystal-clear. Some of these dear people have a background of childhood physical abuse. Others feel that they were just born that way, while some simply do not feel comfortable with the opposite sex. This is an area where Satan has doen some of his most successful work in the area of deception.

Those not in this camp could get sucked into finding their outlook reasonable if the Word of God wasn't present to say otherwise. As understandable as all of these explanations may be, if you choose to agree with those who defend themselves by saying they are "just doing the best they can with the lot they've been given in life," the bottom line truth is that God still calls this sin. And He graciously offers a way out if one chooses to take it.

God's perspective, however, does not need to be delivered in veiled disdain or judgmental fervor, but rather with love and an understanding that the outward mode of behavior covers a deeper need and a level of pain that surpasses normal discernment. Speaking the truth in love and compassion is important. No one questions the love of a parent when he or she corrects a child. Everyone understands that the parent doesn't want the child to indulge in anything that would be harmful to her. To cite a wrong does not imply that the person is unaceptable, just that their mode of behavior is not conducive to victorious living. Sin is sin to God, period. From homosexuality to adultery, fornication to lying, stealing to you name it, He hates it all. Why? Because He doesn't want us to hurt ourselves or one another, and He knows the bottom line---though it may be pleasurable for a season, sin ultimately produces physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

But herin lies the problem because sin is rooted in self-centeredness and rebellion. Sin says, "I want it my way and I want it now!" When people violate the Word of God, they can choose several ways to work it out. One, they can repent. Or they can cast blame, go into denial, or find a way to justify their behavior. Notice the closing statement of a passage from Romans: "They encourage others to do them too." If everybody's doing it, then it must be alright, no? Sounds like the beginning of a movement to me! The more people you get to go along with you, the less resistance you'll encounter. Everyone knows that the majority rules. The greater the mass of followers grows collectively, the more the movement is empowered to solidify its position, economically and otherwise. Pretty soon you have an immovable institution in place that uproots and overthrows the foundation of godly principles. And while people who never took the time to understand those who were hurting, or to offer them effective healing, stand wondering how things got so out of control, these same wounded soldiers, numb to their own pain, limp away, dusting off their hands and proclaiming they've won the war.

If you would like to read this in full, please purchase the book The Power of Femininity by Michelle McKinney Hammond.

Our Relationship To Government (Part 4)

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same.

For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid: for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Romans 13:3,4.

Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. Romans 13:5

For this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Romans 13:6

Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due: custom to whom custom: fear to whom fear: honour to whom honour. Romans 13:7

The government is to maintain law and order. When it does not do that, it has failed. I feel that a Christian should be opposed to the breakdown of law and order. We are to respect our rulers that are enforcing the law. I have great respect for our army, although it is honeycombed with corruption. I have great respect for police officers, although I know they make mistakes.

Christians are to obey the law not only because we'll be judged and have to pay a fine if we don't, but obey for conscience sake.

Although we may resent the way our tax money is being used, we are to pay taxes anyway.

The word for minister is one from which we get our word liturgy. It is strictly religious and is the same word used of angels in Hebrews 1:14 where they are called ministering spirits. This means that the ruler occupies a divinely-appointed office. He has no religious function, of course, but he holds a God-appointed office. That makes me pay my taxes, although I resent doing so.

Although there may be unworthy men in the office, we are to respect the office. We are to show respect for authority. A Christian will be the best citizen although his citizenship is in heaven.

Our Relationship To Government (Part 3)

Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. Romans 13:2

In other words, anyone resisting the authority is resisting the ordinance of God. And those resisting shall receive for themselves judgment.

The principle stated in verse 1 raises many questions which the following verses amplify and explain. This verse seems to preclude the possibility of a believer having any part in rebellion or revolution. What about it? The believer has opposed bad government and supported good government on the theory that good government is the one ordained of God. The believer is for law and order, as over against corruption and rank injustice. At great moments of crisis in history-- and that's where we are today --the believers have had difficult decisions to make.

Christianity never became a movement to improve government, help society, or clean up the town. The gospel was the power of God unto salvation of the individual. Paul never went around telling about the deplorable conditions of Roman jails -- and he knew them there. It is very difficult to say that we are to obey a corrupt government. There is corruption in government from the top to the bottom, and it is not confined to one party.

What is the Christian to do? My business is to get out the Word of God, and my business is to obey the law. That is what Paul is saying here. Christianity is not a movement to improve government or to help society clean up the town. It is to preach a gospel that is the power of God unto salvation which will bring into existence individuals like the men who signed the Declaration of Independence and gave us a government of laws. There is nothing wrong with our form of government; there is something wrong with the individuals who are in positions of power.

"America is int he hands of those who do not understand the spiritual heritage that we have."

Romans, Vol II, J Vernon McGee

Our Relationship To Government (Part 2)

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Romans 13:1

We are to submit ourselves to governmental authorities for the very simple reason that tehy are ordained of God. It is true that the kingdoms of this world belong to Satan, and injustice and corruption abound in all governments; yet God still has control. History is the monotonous account of how a government flourished for a time in pomp and pride and then was brought to ruin and rubble. Why? Because corruption and lawlessness became rampant. As it did, God brought the government to an end. God still rules --even over this earth. God has not abdicated His throne; He is riding triumphantly in His own chariot. Neither is He disturbed about what is happening on this earth.

You will recall that when Uzziah, king of Judah, died, Isaiah was disturbed and very much discouraged. Uzziah had been a good king, and Isaiah thought the government would disintegrate after he was gone. So Isaiah went into the temple, which is a good place to go at a time like that. He came into God's presence, and he saw the Lord sitting upon the throne, high and lifted up. In other words, God had not abdicated. Uzziah was dead, but God was not dead. God was still on the throne.

Now the allegiance of the Christian is to that throne. And his relationship to his government on earth is submission.

Romans, Vol II, J Vernon McGee

Our Relationship To Government (Part 1)

Romans 13:1-7
As we come to chapter 13, we still are talking about the service of the sons of God. We are going to see that the believer has citizenship in heaven, but he also is a citizen in the world down here, which gives him a twofold responsibility. If there is a conflict between the two, always our first responsibility is to our Lord in heaven.

The Lord Jesus made it very clear that we have a responsibility to human government. You remember that He was asked by His enemies, "Is it lawful to pay tribute to Caesar, or no?" He asked them to show Him a coin. He asked them whose superscription and whose image was on that coin. They said, "Caesar's." Then He made this significant statement, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's" (Luke 20:25).

Governments are ordained of God, and He gave them certain authority. We live in a day when evil is called good, and good is called evil. However, believers have responsibility to human government. In fact, Paul said to a young preacher, "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour (I Timothy 2:1-3). By the way, we are to pray for those in authority, not leave it to the preacher on Sunday morning.

The duty of the believer as a citizen of heaven is spiritual. The duty of a believer as a citizen under a government is secular. These two are separate functions, and to combine them is to fail to keep church and state separate and distinct.

The Jew in Paul's day was reluctant to bow before the proud Roman state. Jewry had fomented disturbances in the city of Rome, and as the result Claudius had banished them on one occasion. The proud Pharisees rejected the Roman authorities in Palestine in their desire to restore the government to the nation of Israel; it was they who masterminded the encounter with Jesus and raised the issue, "Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?" The implications smacked of revolution, as you can see. It is well to remember that the authorities in Paul's day were mad and murderous. Nero was on the throne of Rome, and there was Pilate and Herod --all a bunch of rascals, yet he said that believers were to obey those in authority.

Romans, Volume II, J Vernon McGee